- 1. Registration >>>
- 2. Login >>>
- 3. Customer Zone >>>
- 3.1. Order a search >>>
- 3.1.1. Property search order >>>
- 3.1.2. Office selection >>>
- 3.1.3. Summary >>>
- 3.2. Current orders >>>
- 3.2.1. Order >>>
- 3.2.2. Offers received >>>
- Acceptance of the offer >>>
- Purchase interest >>>
- 3.3. Payments >>>
- 3.4. Order history >>>
- 3.5. Payment history >>>
- 3.6. Documents >>>
- 3.7. Notary >>>
- 3.8. Contact the realtor >>>
- 3.9. Real estate portfolio >>>
- 3.10. Mortgage loans >>>
- 3.11. Insurance >>>
- 3.10 Settings >>>
- 3.11. Log out >>>
Acceptance of the offer
1. In this tab you accept or reject the offer sent to you.
2. From the new offer we also have the option of ordering an additional photo session.
3. The entire available offer is presented in a table with the criteria filled in by the intermediary.
4. Under the offer you will find the approximate location of the proposed property and photos attached by the realtor.